Due to inclement weather all our office locations are closed on Tuesday, January 21. On Wednesday January 22, we will open both locations 1:30 PM onwards.
Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology located in Katy, Richmond, & Houston, TX
Taking care of your skin’s health, including any eczema or hives flare-ups, is critical to maintaining wellness. At West Houston Allergy & Asthma, Pardeep Rihal, MD, and the expert staff offer complete allergic skin care treatment for the entire family. If you’re experiencing painful skin conditions or allergic reactions, call one of their locations in Katy, Richmond, and Houston, Texas, for an appointment, or book one online. Same-day appointments are available for acute care.
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a condition that makes your skin red and itchy. The inflammatory skin condition is long-lasting, isn’t contagious, and tends to flare up periodically.
The two major types of skin allergies are eczema and urticaria (hives). Both erupt on or just under the skin as a result of a heightened immune system. Hives resemble a pale red, raised eruption, while eczema presents as an itchy lesion that can be blistering or oozing.
Hives arise from the release of histamine from the skin cells when exposed to an allergen like pollen or milk products. Eczema is more common in those with a family history of asthma or who are associated with respiratory issues.
West Houston Allergy & Asthma can use a variety of treatment methods to reduce eczema and hives. The skin disorders can be painful to treat, so you might have to explore a few different treatment options to find the right solution. Some suggested methods for prevention include medications and therapies, such as:
If you’re ready to begin the journey to healthy skin, the team at West Houston Allergy & Asthma can help you. Give the nearest office a call to schedule an appointment, or book one online.